Monday, August 9, 2010

Time Flies....

5 months ago today on Tuesday March 9, 2010 precious Layla Grace Marsh went to play with the angels. She was
Only 2. As I sit here writing this with tears in my eyes I realize for the hundreth time that Layla is never returning. It has already been 5 months but it feels like yesterday. A broken heart keeps beating. 

Please keep the Marsh family in your thoughts and prayers as they cope with 5 months without their baby. Pray for their strength and comfort in this devestating time. 

I miss and love you so much baby Layla. Fly high precious angel! 

"Time passes by so quickly. But I guess I thought you'd be here forever. I never even got the chance to- say goodbye"

Rest In Peace precious Layla Grace Marsh.

Save a place for me....

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